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Variables have infinite possibilities, and there are always more ways to play in the clothing industry!

Update time:2020-01-11

[Preface] Standing at the end of 2019, looking back on […]

[Preface] Standing at the end of 2019, looking back on the development of the clothing industry for a year, it is not difficult to find that although the industry has faced various problems and tests this year, it cannot be denied that in the past year, With transformation and upgrading and diligent exploration, China's clothing industry not only has more possibilities to nurture the future, but also can turn every possibility into a real reality.

In this year, the apparel industry has experienced online and offline integration, hot e-commerce live broadcasts, the rise of Guochao brands, a sharp increase in market segments, and continuous changes in fashion. At the same time, it has experienced the pain of the shrinking market of fast fashion brands. Careful people can find that the "play" of the clothing circle is just like fashion design itself, full of changes and uncertainties, but among these changes and uncertainties, it is not unruly.

"Two-line" integration accelerates channel upgrades

In today's era when people are shouting "chop hands", online shopping has become an integral part of people's lives. With the diversification of shopping channels and consumption upgrades, consumers 'shopping needs are constantly changing. Many companies strive to meet consumers' convenient shopping needs and emotional demands, increase customer stickiness and affection, and thus increase brand value. .

At present, the transformation and upgrading of the retail industry has entered a new stage. Online retail and physical retail are not allowed to have me in you and me in you. The relationship between online and offline has begun to reshape. The digital construction of brick-and-mortar retail enterprises is accelerating, and online retail enterprises are also rapidly expanding offline channels, and the development of omni-channels has become a trend. Enterprises have also developed from a single format to multiple formats, from a single retail to a retail and service development, and a number of new formats and models have emerged.

Especially with the advent of the 5G era, the O2O clothing retail model can turn virtual fitting rooms, 3D display and other fitting virtual experiences into reality, and can provide online and offline simultaneous price comparison, consumer appointment fittings, personalization Customization and other services. For clothing retail enterprises, O2O means that consumers can select and place orders through online sales platforms, and then try on and pick up goods in physical stores online; or try online in physical stores first, and then use mobile electronic devices online Choose a match and pay for the order. The O2O model combines the advantages of online virtual stores and offline physical stores. While improving the personal experience of consumers, it also effectively solves the shortcomings of limited goods in traditional stores.

It is foreseeable that with the advent of the digital age, consumer lifestyles will change again, and the boundaries between online and offline are becoming increasingly blurred. In 2019, more and more apparel companies and brands have accelerated the further integration of online and offline. If the omnichannel is still in the exploration stage in the past few years, mature cases of successfully integrating online and offline are now everywhere.

In 2019, Shandong Ruyi proposed a “smart retail strategy” in response to the challenges centered on the consumer experience. It will create thousands of Ruyi smart stores in three years, and realize intelligent customization of one person, one board, one person, and one. Active fashion wisdom elements, creating intelligent online and offline retail terminals to promote technological innovation in intelligent production chain, and create a brand new fashion industry ecosystem.

For another example, at Uniqlo, after consumers place orders online, hundreds of offline stores support easy pickup within 24 hours; at Peacebird, through the dimensions of goods and payment, consumers can scan through stores and pick up stores. And other new businesses; menswear brand Common Gender has adopted an online and offline combined omnichannel sales model.

In 2019, models such as online and offline order pick-up, or offline experience online purchase have become a major trend in the apparel industry.

It is particularly worth mentioning that on January 12, 2019, the Yudu Pulse Intelligent Manufacturing Fashion Industrial Park, which was initiated and invested by the Huimei Group, officially opened after more than a year of preparations. As the "black horse" of online clothing, this move of the "Dye Finger" offline entity of Huimei Group has caused a lot of sensation in the industry.

The O2O revolution of clothing retail enterprises has changed the hostile situation of online and offline in the traditional e-commerce environment. Not only has it opened up a new way of offline sales for clothing e-commerce enterprises, but more importantly, it has also given back to those who have not yet promoted the e-commerce transformation. Or the transformation of traditional clothing retail enterprises that are not ideal provides new development opportunities. In the future, online and offline integration is an obvious development trend in the apparel retail industry.

Segment positioning is not afraid of market decline

A few years ago, everyone was so upset about whether consumption was "upgrading" or "downgrading." Now, the new view is not the rise or fall, but the consumption classification and market segmentation. Today, people's living space has been highly circled, and there are huge differences in consumer demand, consumption psychology and value perception in different circles. With the development of the economy, consumers ’consumption habits are becoming more mature, and consumer demand is correspondingly more diversified and personalized, thus forming different market segments.

In today's clothing consumer market, it is difficult to produce the so-called "Big Bang", the style of clothing is more diversified, and there are more and more niche products or vertical products. In 2019, in addition to the traditional men's clothing, women's clothing, and leisure sports in the apparel segment, the more eye-catching include Hanfu, lululemon, lolita, which focuses on yoga clothes, and Biyin Lefen, who focuses on golf. And other niche segments.

Mr. Xie Bingzheng, Chairman of Biyinlefen, said that the speed of development in China is obvious to the world. From make-up use, to identification, expression of personality, the pursuit of high quality and taste, consumers' demand for clothing is more and more diverse. . This means that if China's clothing brands want to keep up with the times, they must break the game with "division".

According to data from Biyinlefen's 2019 third quarter report, the company achieved operating income of 1.323 billion yuan in the first three quarters, an increase of 24.95% year-on-year; net profit attributable to its mother was 311 million yuan, an increase of 51.09% year-on-year. Among them, the third quarter realized net profit of 137 million yuan, an increase of 64.41%. In the sluggish environment of the entire clothing industry, Biyin Lefen, with a record of 10 consecutive quarters of profitable high-speed growth, has steadily occupied the "Golf Apparel First Share" throne for a long time. From China's leading golf apparel brand to becoming the "Golf First Share", Biyin Lefen has long led the subdivision track.

Lululemon, founded in 1998, was listed on the NASDAQ in 2007 and focuses on yoga sportswear. lululemon has always positioned itself as a technology company. Its nude skinny pants made of patented materials are the best-selling products, and the single product price is about 1,000 yuan. Driven by many well-known Internet celebrities, the combination of lululemon leggings and sneakers has become a popular streetwear method, which makes lululemon no longer limited to yoga scenes and successfully goes out.

Leaving aside the leading market segments that are already in the industry, take the hottest Hanfu as an example. In March this year, Taobao ’s "2019 China Fashion Trend Report" released during the "Taobao New Power Week" showed that In the fashion search keyword trend TOP10, Hanfu ranked third in the women's ranking and tenth in the men's ranking.

In the winter of 2019, plums wearing Chinese clothes flew abroad. During Taobao's "Double 12" sales of velvet Chinese clothes cloaks increased by 30 times ... Apparently, the niche Chinese clothes had already "fired". Taobao data shows that Hanfu has formed a market with a scale of more than 2 billion yuan, and has maintained a rapid growth of nearly 150%.

However, for those subdivided niche clothing categories, those who like it still live and die, and those who don't like it still don't feel it. In fact, it is not comprehensive to distinguish consumer groups by gender, age, occupation, and income. Today, people's aesthetic and consumption levels have been marked with more and more new labels.

In the age of consumer grading, both product creation and marketing communications must be based on target users, just serve them well and get their approval.

Cultural self-confidence leads the country

"AJ bye, support for domestic products go."

This is Li Ning ’s brand-new "Wade Way" eighth generation basketball shoes. After the official appearance of the Los Angeles Complex Con, the world ’s largest trend event, the most comments under related news reports. Just as cultural variety shows such as "New Palace" were popular in the young market, in 2019, the national tide swept the entire clothing circle. Behind the surging national tide is the rise of China's design industry and the continuous deepening and support of "cultural self-confidence" in the concept of consumption.

In 2018, sports brand Li Ning took to the runway of New York Fashion Week, using traditional Soviet embroidery craftsmanship techniques to make the "red and yellow match" of Chinese elements more fashionable, and also changed its mind among young consumers. The dull impression in China became the representative of the "national tide brand", that year was called "the first year of national tide", and "paying for feelings" also became a popular word; 2019 is the year of the rise of the new "national tide" More and more domestic clothing and apparel brands have tapped into the brand ’s traditional culture and history, integrated new technologies and trends, and entered the public ’s vision with a new attitude, showing an amazing market explosive power.

Accepting domestic products, choosing domestic products, and spontaneously "endorsement" domestic products, from "cultural identity" to "consumer identity", more and more consumers are willing to pay for traditional culture and national feelings.

Behind the turbulence of "national tide" is the change of consumer groups. The "post-95s" and "post-00s" have become consumer forces that cannot be ignored. They grew up during the rapid development of the country. They had a strong sense of identity and pride. They no longer regarded the national tide as a symbol of old fashion and tradition, but regarded the national tide as an international cultural wave. Fresh lifestyle, even self-confidence expression.

Relevant data shows that millennial consumers ’awareness of new things, their desire to try, and their advertised personality and self are stronger than those of the“ post-70s ”and“ post-80s ”, which motivates them to make a certain product. Consumption is moving from mass convergence to niche self. Therefore, fashionable and unique design propositions and individual and publicity design styles not only highlight a certain type of culture, but also represent a distinctive lifestyle and lifestyle, which is exactly in line with the consumer propositions of the new generation of consumers.

In addition, the emergence of "national tide" is an inevitable product of China's comprehensive national strength and economic and social development to a certain stage. It not only shows the current cultural awareness of Chinese consumers and their recognition of local cultural elements, but also shows their consumption concepts. Diversity and personalization.

Earlier, Nielsen released the "Chinese Consumer Trends Index Report for the Second Quarter of 2019", stating that "Chinese domestic brands welcome the spring." With national sentiment rising, 68% of Chinese consumers prefer domestic brands. Feelings and consumer recognition of the brand are the core driving forces for the rise of domestic products. The clearer and firmer brand attitude of domestic brands has also won the favor of consumers. At the same time, China's consumption structure is undergoing a new round of upgrades and changes. Consumers are paying more attention to brands and quality. More high-quality, high-value Chinese brand products are favored by consumers.

People in the industry believe that "national tide" should represent the trend of Chinese culture, Chinese art, Chinese aesthetics, and Chinese spirit. When the representative elements of Chinese culture are combined with the fashion industry, they can be used as materials, background and spirit, but they still need to be innovative and changed in order to respond to market needs, especially the changes in the needs of the young generation consumer group.

E-commerce live streaming achieves rapid growth

Since 2019, clothing and apparel e-commerce platforms have explored the field of live short videos. Especially this year's "Double 11" period, Tmall appeared more than 1 billion yuan live broadcast room and more than 100 million yuan live broadcast room, more than 50% of merchants through the live broadcast to achieve new growth; Jingdong live broadcast with a cumulative turnover During the period of “June 18”, it increased by 25 times, and the average daily turnover was 15 times that of the year of “June 18”. This shows that live e-commerce is creating a new market of 100 billion yuan.

Some insiders said that live e-commerce has become a new outlet in 2019, thanks to the network environment upgrade from 4G to 5G, consumers can freely watch videos and live broadcast on their mobile phones. In addition, post-90s and post-00s who have no lack of spending power have become the new consumer forces. Their consumption characteristics are de-branding, and they value the product more. The consumption mode has also shifted from purpose-based consumption to scenario-based consumption.

How to combine live broadcast with industry and use 5G technology to help the industry transform and develop is a topic that the traditional industry pays close attention to. E-commerce live broadcast has been placed in the spotlight since its birth in 2016. In just 3 years, the new form of "e-commerce + live broadcast" has given consumers a new experience in e-commerce shopping, and e-commerce live broadcast has developed into a new industry for e-commerce.

With the help of webcast and short video, live e-commerce has experienced explosive growth this year through the development of recent years. At present, Taobao is the leader in the field of live delivery, followed by fast hands. Pinduoduo and Xiaohongshu have also become the last players to enter the live broadcast e-commerce industry in 2019, and the situation of live delivery of goods across the entire network has basically formed.

In "Double 11" in 2019, the most important part is Taobao live broadcast. E-commerce live streaming has become a new model of brand marketing. The head anchor's ability to carry goods for a day is even comparable to the annual sales of a super mall. In addition, the benefits of brand self-broadcasting can not be underestimated, Taobao live broadcast fans TOP10 are brand accounts. Although the KOL live broadcast "rollover" is staged from time to time, it is undeniable that as a tool for carrying goods other than conventional e-commerce marketing, the value of live broadcast is far higher than its risks, and there is still ample room for development.

At the same time, clothing companies also hitchhiked with live goods. A person in charge of a garment factory from Dongguan said that the rise in live broadcast orders has increased the sales of garment factories by about 30% over the same period of the previous year. Apparel companies will precisely match the production line according to the product requirements of each anchor. There are special T-shirt production lines, shirt production lines, and dress production lines. These product production lines are created for different influencers.

In addition to Taobao's live broadcast, short videos are also exploring the path to bring goods and are very effective. Taking "Quick Hand" as an example, it has successfully promoted the rapid development of e-commerce business in apparel originating with its low-cost direct selling strategy in its origin. According to data from the AdMaster social database, in the third quarter of 2019, the voices of “quick hands” and “purchasing”, “planting grass”, “buying” and other purchase tendencies in the social platform also increased by 126% over the previous quarter. For this reason, many e-commerce platforms have also increased their live broadcasts, inheriting their advantages in interaction and "planting grass," and diverted them to their own e-commerce platforms.

However, statistics show that in the context of the worldwide popularity of KOL, the trust, recommendation and purchasing power of Chinese consumers in KOL communication are higher than global levels, especially their willingness to buy. However, in the highly commercialized KOL market in China, false advertisements and data falsification are rampant, leading to a reduction in the trust of young consumers in KOL. This will be a key issue for the future development of this new e-commerce channel.

Why is the cross-border joint name alive?

In 2019, "cross-border" and "joint cooperation" have once again become the hottest keywords in the fashion industry. No matter what kind of clothing it sells, it seems that as long as it is linked to these two keywords, it means that it will be popular, popular, and sought after by consumers and the market. Even "No holiday this year

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