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The textile capital is spread all over the world

Update time:2020-01-11

"Run at most once" to take root In 2019, the Keqiao Dis […]

"Run at most once" to take root

In 2019, the Keqiao District Government improved the business environment and focused on reducing corporate tax burdens. The Construction and Management Committee of China Textile City made “optimizing the market once” as the focus of work throughout the year. Guided by the "three services", from management to service transformation.

Focusing on the goals and tasks of the "five first-class" and "five major projects", we will focus on the implementation, expand the market area of ​​Yunji Road, and effectively improve the market transportation environment; integrate and improve the "youbu" APP, and continuously promote the level of market informatization; Services such as “no-sense payment” for parking in the market, “zero running errands” for property charges, and “maximum run once” for business room transfer approvals, optimizing the operating environment, and comprehensively creating a “one-stop” efficient service platform for business households, improving business households Work experience.

With the development plan of high-rise buildings, good business environment, and high-quality market services, China Textile City's popularity and business continually gather. Last year, work related to market renewal fees, market environment order rectification, and fire safety improvement were all carried out smoothly and orderly. The majority of business households reassured their main businesses and the market maintained a stable operating trend.

Among them, the International Fabrics Procurement Center's priority investment lottery for business rooms has been successfully completed. A total of 1733 tenants participated in the lottery, accounting for 99.7% of the drawable amount. At present, the house has been handed over. At the same time, the Construction and Management Committee of China Textile City actively carried out investment seminars for printing and dyeing enterprises, trading companies, and foreign businessmen, held docking and promotion activities with market operators in Guangzhou and other places, and focused on attracting more well-known domestic and foreign textile enterprises, manufacturers and traders to settle in. .

Promote Industry-City Convergence

"Monthly Exhibitions" has achieved remarkable results

In 2019, the professional exhibitions and conferences organized by the Construction and Management Committee of China Textile City achieved remarkable results. The second World Cloth Merchants Conference was successfully held. A total of 1,200 guests from 45 countries and regions participated in the conference. During the conference, the "China Textile City Cup" 2019 Global Fashion Design Elite Challenge and Award Ceremony, the 15th The 18 key events including the opening ceremony of the Asian Textile Conference, the Global Textile Industry International Cooperation Summit Forum, and the “Belt and Road” Textile Cooperation Forum further enhanced the international influence and industry voice of Keqiao Textile Industry and China Textile City.

Focusing on “Moon and Moon Exhibition”, in 2019, Keqiao District successfully held 12 textile professional exhibitions, including the Spring and Autumn Season Textile Expo, the Spring and Autumn Season Curtain Fabric Exhibition, and the Grey Fabrics New Materials Exhibition, attracting nearly 30 domestic and overseas buyers Ten thousand person-times, promote the integration of industry and city, and integrate into the new era of textile.

Among them, as an industry barometer, after more than 20 years of development, Keqiao Textile Expo has taken a steady and vigorous step. She is not only a golden business card in Keqiao District, but also a large platform for the supply and demand of the global textile industry. A large number of backbones in the textile industry have become increasingly important. Last year's three-day autumn textile expo, 1,400 booths, 552 exhibitors, and more than 450,000 fabrics bloomed in the new hall, Shaoxing International Convention and Exhibition Center. The number of visitors reached 43,849, and the business connection showed a booming scene.

Expanding opening up

China Textile City's "Friends Circle" Keeps Expanding

In order to accelerate the pace of Keqiao textile industry's integration into the international market, more and more local companies have been able to “go global” and step out of Shaoxing since the “Silk Road Keqiao · Global” action plan was announced at the first World Fabric Merchant Conference. Go abroad.

With the orderly progress of the "Silk Road Keqiao · Global" action plan, in 2019, China Textile City's "friend circle" will be further expanded. For the domestic market, through participating in "Hangzhou · Shaoxing Week", "Ningbo · Shaoxing Week", "Shenzhen · Shaoxing Week" and other activities, it will integrate with many first-tier cities on the industrial chain; for the international market, through "government-enterprise linkage, group participation" Model, integrated into the "Belt and Road" initiative, carried out more than 20 trade matching activities in Myanmar, Vietnam, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria and other countries, and organized more than 500 market operators to capture business opportunities and develop markets, which effectively improved the Chinese textile industry International Competitiveness.

According to the latest statistics of the customs, from January to November 2019, there were 1979 export performance enterprises in the Keqiao District market, with an export value of 30.62 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.33%.

Developing fashion ideas

"Everyday Show Fashion" Pilot Trend

In Keqiao, a group of local outstanding brand enterprises such as Gima Liangsi, Primary Color Digital, Best, Zola, and Hao Huahua have strong development momentum, helping Keqiao's traditional textile industry move from traditional OEM processing to the development of independent brands and brands. "Smile Curve" ends shifted. As one of the five hundred billion billion industries that Keqiao focuses on, the fashion creative industry has become a new growth pole for the sustainable and healthy development of Keqiao economy.

As of December 2019, the textile industry creative design base has 152 industrial design enterprises. The base's enterprise design and research and other service-oriented turnover was 293 million yuan, an increase of 11.47% year-on-year, which led to the formation of 34.65 billion yuan in sales of service target enterprises, a year-on-year increase. 15.49%. It is worth mentioning that last year, our district introduced the highest award in the fashion design industry for the first time-the Golden Top Award designer. The total number of talents and the number of new high-end talents were all the best in history.

In 2019, the work plan of "everyday show fashion" has been carried out in an orderly manner. The "Modern Fashion Season", "Multiple Fashion Season", "Innovative Fashion Season" and "Vibrant Fashion Season" four modules have carried out 65 "everyday fashion" series activities, covering brand launches, design exchanges, industry conferences, professional exhibitions, trends Keqiao is gradually building a fashion creative industry ecosystem, such as salons, technical seminars, fashion displays, talent training, and forum events.

Successfully held the 2nd World Cloth Merchants Conference, the Spring and Autumn Season Textile Expo, and the Spring and Autumn Period Curtain Fabric Exhibition, etc., to further enhance the industry's speaking power; carried out 65 "everyday fashion" series of activities throughout the year, and fashion creative activities flourished. From ... In 2019, under the correct leadership of the District Committee and the District Government, the China Textile City Construction Management Committee will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of China Textile City in accordance with the construction goals of the international textile capital in the new period, and comprehensively improve the market internationalization, Fashionable and intelligent, the market of China Textile City has maintained a stable and good development trend. In the past year, the export of our region has grown against the trend, and the textile industry has developed with high quality. China Textile City delivered a beautiful report card. In 2019, China Textile City's market group realized a turnover of 200.03 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.61%, of which the fabric market turnover was 137.917 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.61%. At the same time, China Textile City's online market realized a transaction value of 52.659 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.26%. China Textile City's "online and offline" market turnover reached 252.689 billion yuan, setting a new historical high, which is remarkable. Making every effort to build the "international textile capital" in the new period of 2020 will be the year when China Textile City's transformation and upgrading action ends. According to the unified deployment of the district committee and the district government, the Construction and Management Committee of China Textile City will unswervingly implement the important instructions of the main leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, adhere to the "One Belt One Road" command to open at a high level, and steadily improve and promote the market of China Textile City Face, market impact, market efficiency, market impression, market heritage, seize opportunities, raise the bar, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of China Textile City, and make every effort to build the "international textile capital" in the new era.

2020 to build a new era "International Textile Capital"

2020 will mark the end of China Textile City's transformation and upgrading. According to the unified deployment of the district committee and the district government, the Construction and Management Committee of China Textile City will unswervingly implement the important instructions of the main leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, adhere to the "One Belt One Road" command to open at a high level, and steadily improve and promote the market of China Textile City Face, market impact, market efficiency, market impression, market heritage, seize opportunities, raise the bar, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of China Textile City, and make every effort to build the "international textile capital" in the new era.

Upgrade of the main market to promote the improvement of the market environment

Promote the optimization of market functions, focusing on new markets such as the International Fabrics Purchasing Center and the Kebei Garment and Home Textile Market, and strive to create a landmark complex market in China Textile City. Enhance the overall image of the market and further enhance the functions of the exhibition center in accordance with the concept of "serving the market development and displaying the image of the textile city", and improve the market quality and quality.

Expand opening to the outside world and increase market influence

Speed ​​up the market to go out, host the Third World Conference on Fabrics Merchants, promote the "Silk Road, Bridge, Global Coverage" action, and strengthen cooperation with the National Textile and Apparel Association along the Belt and Road. Improve the market voice, actively promote the "Monthly Exhibitions" program, deepen the "leader exhibition + industry exhibition" complementary model, while expanding and strengthening the textile expo, carefully cultivate curtains, window screenings, new textile materials, wall coverings, etc. Professional exhibition. ◎ Strengthen the leadership of fashion, promote the development of fashion creativity in the market, advance the progress of fashion creativity projects, and strongly support the development of the China-Europe fashion dream factory project. Give full play to the role of creative industries, vigorously promote the three-year improvement plan of the textile industry creative design base, implement the "everyday show fashion" activity plan, hold Keqiao Fashion Week with high quality and high standards, and strive to hold more than 45 fashion events throughout the year. Let fashion lead become the new normal and new driving force for the transformation and upgrading of China Textile City. Create a fashion and creative atmosphere, launch a "fashion textile city" pilot in the market, and strive to basically build a "fashion market" by 2020.

Interaction between online and offline to promote market transaction reform

Strengthen "Online Textile City", increase the depth of connection between "Online Textile City" and market entities, promote the transformation of the existing physical market to the e-commerce market, and strive to achieve 60 billion yuan in online transactions in China Textile City, becoming the country's leading line Online and offline integration market. Build a "smart market", promote full coverage of the market's 5G signals, rely on universities such as Zhijiang College, and establish a "big data center for the textile industry" to form a "cloud map of the economic operation of China Textile City".

Enhance service awareness and optimize market business environment

Strengthen overall coordination to ensure that the objectives and tasks of the "Three-year Action Plan for the Transformation and Upgrade of China Textile City" are successfully completed and work efficiency is improved. The market integrated service center will be built into a "one-stop" and efficient service platform for business operators, which will realize joint processing and ensure that new leased business operators will "run up to once". Improve service levels, take the "three services" activity as an opportunity to comprehensively improve the capabilities and level of the service market and service operators, and effectively serve as the "shop two" of service market development.

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